Well another year another DVD and with Ross and I visiting Penmachno at the weekend the final section for this years video is in the bag! Episode 8, provisionally titled 'United' will be ready before Christmas so get your orders in now!
And the ride?
Penmachno did not dissappoint. It'd been several weeks for me, and months for Ross so a little out of bike fitness the prospect of gale force winds and drizzle somehow didn't put us off - and with a spill in the car park before I even got the bike out things weren't looking good! Glad to say they got no worse, only better!
The first climb wasn't too difficult and I enjoyed the flowing singletrack climb of the second section in particular. Once on the first open section the true extent of the wind became apparent as we were literally blown up hill! The 3 sequential singletrack sections didn't flow as well in the high wind, even in the trees you felt prone to being knocked off course - maybe we're riding it too fast (or too slow) to feel the flow but the memory here wasn't all it cracked up to be...
A little climb and another good flowy 'across' section before I adjusted Ross's headset to the point where he couldn't steer! Oh dear! About time someone did some pro-active bike maintenance I think!
Onwards and the epic beast of a mountain pass awaited. I was hoping it wasn't going to be too windy but it surpassed itself, and on the approach knocked both Ross and me off our bikes! Donning a second coat we ventured out into what can only be described as 'character building' man against mountain sort of stuff. It really took it out of us... onwards and we hit my favourite section (the third before last singletrack). After a gentleish pedally start things take a turn for the descent and it really turns on the gas - awesome stuff! Then it leaves another open traverse which was sketchy in the wind and slower than usual - before the final descent. I really was knackered by this point so was somewhat lazy when it came to pedalling and pumping - two things you really have to do to get the most out of it! Back to the car both Ross and I were glad of a dry change of clothes and some good food.
So want to see more? Check out the video... more on that another day.