Thursday, April 29, 2010

What a difference a week makes... to the weather!

From Macclesfield 29/04/10

Another week but wow what a difference - about lunchtime the 3+ weeks of fine weather finally broke with showers turning to drizzle.

So Kev, his neighbour Pete and myself headed off from the Leather Smithy not really sure what we'd find, conditions wise, on the trail ahead.

The climb was fine - and the rain was 'that fine rain that soaks you through' but it wasn't cold enough to be a problem. Charity Lane was good fun - the rain had soaked in but it wasn't a river. It actually showed up the fast, less rocky line better as it was shiny! Great fun today, and despite the conditions I was 'on it' again this week - didn't manage 18th though ;) Pete enjoyed himself this week too - you can tell from his smile in the photo - he's getting into this off road stuff! It's all in the grin - if it's there they're hooked, if it's a grimace... well less promising!

We expected slippery conditions on the singletrack, and we were half right. The grass was treacherous but the trail was damp but not muddy and the roots were ok if taken confidently with speed. Good fun and found a nice flow this week.

One thing I am going to have to sort out is some way of stopping my eyes watering with these 'new' glasses I've been wearing. It's a killer doing Charity Lane, in the wet and having to blink away watering eyes from the wind... maybe I need some proper riding specs??

Anyway - another good week - and that's Kev and I at everyone so far this year! :)

Macclesfield 29/04/10

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another week, another victim?

Another dry week and this week - another victim? Paul joined Kev and I this evening for a rag around the forest Fearingout style!

Coming from a XC and road background I think he was a little worried about getting his arse kicked or crashing - neither happened... and despite a gentle and cautious approach to Charity Lane there was still a big grin... out again? Hopefully.

Charity Lane is dry as a bone top to bottom now. After the runs at the weekend I tried to head left into the steep section but you've got to have a lot of balls to stay left like Jon did on video - it's hair-raisingly narrow! Still I was pleased with my speed through the steep gulley today. The lower section is like a race track (with big boulders randomly placed - perhaps by someone trying to slow us down?) A first for me - accelerating in 18th gear - I've officially not got much faster to get before I run out of legs on the Chameleon now! Awesome.

We did Bottom of the Oven which was fun too - and after riding it at the weekend I slowed slightly more into the top of the loose section which actually made it faster to ride - great fun - and perhaps now a regular addition to push the skills a bit more on the loose stuff?

The singletrack is running really well now too - and is dry as a bone. It's SO fast it's not the roots sending you slipping sideways, but actually throwing you off the bike that's the problem now - big laughs! Again a few logs placed across the track in places, oddly?

So all in another great dry week's riding. Let's hope this is a sign of the summer to follow! :)

Charity Lane 22/04/10

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer afternoon

Had a great blast yesterday and had a play with the new camera, pretty impressed with the results for a first try. Here's to more sun and riding!

Sun, dust and cameras...

Jon, Chris and I headed up to the forest yesterday for a relaxed mess around ride with the express intention of filming with a camera and tripod and playing with Jon's new SLR. Well we didn't manage the latter but the first two were in the bag!

Laziness kicked in and we met in the small car park at Forest Chapel - before packing up and pushing up to the top of Charity Lane. We got some great shots - video will be up later - but it's funny how much sessioning and filming something you ride every week destroys it's flow! Still committed to the cause we perservered. Once finished on Charity Lane we pushed up for a second full end to end run... and I dug out the full face for the first ride of 2010! Great great fun flat out, the full face removes the wind factor and you end up really nailing it - even on a hardtail. Jon had a coming together with the bank and bashed his knee - ok to press on though. We all got to the bottom high on adrenaline - a fantastic run in the dry.

We dug out the camera gear again and whizzed around to the singletrack. By now we were pressed for time, so couldn't really session and film as much as I'd hoped but the trail was bone dry and SO much fun. Got a few good shots before the agonising double climb back to the cars at Forest Chapel.

So all in all a good ride - great company, fantastic trails, cool to get some footage... and with a nostalgic twinge it reminds me of those lazy summer weekend rides with Scott and Chris back in 2004! If you're reading this lads I hope it reminds you as well!

Fearingout - Webedit 1 - Macclesfield Forest from James Hilton on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Summer summer summer time...

Well maybe that's one jinxing it and two a little premature but boy oh boy was tonights ride a LOT of fun!

We've had dry weather for nearly two weeks now - and another dry, fine, bright (but slightly cool) day - perfect riding weather. Leo came over from the Park to join us today so a slightly late start and the usual route. Good banter and lovely to catch up with him... we were also joined by Pete, Kev's next door neighbour for his first proper mountain-bike ride (he's a roady by background) - I think it's fair to say he had a baptism of fire!

So Charity Lane - wow. Dry, smooth when it's smooth but rough as hell in the rough bits - cranking like mad and then holding on for dear life down the rough stuff - before pedal to the metal (so to speak) for the sprint through the bottom half. Great great fun today, I felt like I had the lines, the confidence, the speed - everything just gel'd for that perfect run. Awesome and I was grinning like a Cheshire Cat at the bottom with a good 60 second wait before Leo came down!

High drama for Kev as his back wheel slipped in the frame - but commitment for riding down with a rubbing tyre - no real need for brakes from him! Pete struggled with clips but seemed to enjoy it - I guess we'll see him out again next week with flat pedals?!

Onwards and the singletrack. I had a feeling this might be hella fast and it was - awesome. The Chameleon loves this section when it's dry and it was GREAT fun tonight. I really let it get loose through the roots with the dry conditions inspiring bags of confidence. It made me realise how much I missed summer riding!

So that was it - another week gone. What lovely weather, great banter and awesome trail conditions. I can't wait for next week - and hopefully Jon and I are riding this weekend - text me if you fancy it!

Macclesfield 15/04/10

OFFICIAL Wideopen BDH Round 1 vid... WIN WIN WIN!!

Halo British Downhill Series Round 1 Rheola from Jamie Edwards on Vimeo.

Watch - then visit the site (address in the vid) for your chance to win a Diamondback Sabbath DH frame or a holiday at Riders Retreat. Banging!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Plus 3 (+1 week, +1 rider, +1 puncture)

From Macclesfield 8/4/2010
So lets do the numbers first... Week 2, Attendees 4, Punctures 1.

Great weather this evening for the 2nd Thursday night ride of 2010, and Kev, Chris and I were joined by Jon this week. The trails were dry, the sun was warm, perfect riding weather. Charity Lane was much faster this week, but as a result it became obvious that the cold weather has left the trail scattered with big rocks - perfect for snake bites if caught at speed! Whoops!

Next weekend ride is the 17th April. Until then I'll see you all next week!

Macclesfield 8/4/2010

Monday, April 05, 2010

Post date: Photos from February, Wideopen's hardtail test in Scotland

Now that Issue 12 is published I can share Dunc's awesome photos from Scotland. Looking back it was an awesome trip, a real release from the daily grind and winter blues. We're hoping to head back in May with better weather.

Scotland - Wideopen trip 26/2 to 27/2/2010

Read the article here:

Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fool?

From Macclesfield Forest 1/4/2010
In the hour before we went riding today we had heavy rain, sleet and hail. I wondered if I'd made a mistake with my 'whatever the weather' punt but as it turned out by 4.30pm it was wet underfoot but dry in the sky - and pretty typical Macclesfield weather!

So first week night ride of 2010 and with excuses of beer drinking from Tony and Jon, it was left to just Kev, Chris and myself to reinstate 2010 style. I feel I must mention at this point Chris was riding with a GIRLS saddle. We did wonder if he's end up pregnant or something but actually he reckoned it turned out marginally more comfortable than his old Specialized one! Despite this he's probably getting a brown Charge Spoon - good choice. It'll look good even if you find it uncomfortable Chris!

On the plus side though, Chris was bedding in his new brakes - a bargain set of Hayes Stroker Rydes... £70 for the pair (without discs). No bite point adjustment but firm feel and bags of power in the twin pot design - a huge upgrade from the Hayes Soles (single piston) he was running (forks next Chris!).

Usual route and no surprises. A little snow on the banks up top - mad for April - otherwise Charity Lane was very smooth with all the melt water. The gulley was rough and Chris and Kev caught me up (I was a bit of a wuss) but with that reinstatement kicked in and I dropped a few cogs and pedalled like a man possessed all the way to the bottom. I was really pleased with my flow and smoothness today. Then the singletrack which was slidy and muddy before ragging down the road to the cars.

Have a good easter guys and see you next Thursday! I think Lee Quarry (for a Wideopen Trailscene article) is on the cards in April so get your diaries out after Easter so we can sort something out!

Macclesfield Forest 1/4/2010