Saturday, October 28, 2006
Scots Street
Its an organic thing?

So my brain works in funny ways and whilst sat on the sofa recovering from a hangover obtained from drinking an embarrassingly small amount of alcohol a fantastic idea popped into my head...
20 minutes later we have this - a development of the Hoody design of a few days ago... I feel its a bit more FO then the previous attempt.
Likelihood is either black hoody (with the design like this in green and white) or Navy hoody, with the green bits in cyan. Oh and contrasting hood strings!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
From the darkness came a light?
Problem is systems cost minimum £100 for a decent(ish) off road set of lights.
I'm going to contact a few internet based suppliers (including my current faves Lumicycle) to see if they'll do us some sort of group discount if we buy a couple of sets together. Worth a try...
And no, Phil, you can't just go and spend £15 in Halfords ;)
English DH Champs results at BC...
Results over on the British Cycling website - looks like they had the weather for it down in Somerset ;)
getting the feel back

Went out on the V10 to Haldon on Saturday. Its so nice to be back on a DH bike again, i didn't relise how much i had missed it. didn't get many photos as Ben can't take them for toffee.

I bike feel really supple and i'm hammering sections that i would normally look for a smoother line for on the 222. i definately need some setup tips for the fifth if any of the other guys have any, i seems a bit too soft on the rear for my liking, although i haven't bottomed it out yet.
I'm gonna sort out membership with Tavistock woodland riders this weekend, so i shall be getting some practice in before the Cloud Cover winter series, just to get my self back into it.
cheers for now
Happy trails

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Oooh Fort Bill world champs 2007!

As previously mentioned on here we're off to Fort Bill next September to watch the world championships. Scott and I have 'aquired' a villa (if you can call it a villa in Scotland) up in Fort Bill for the duration of the champs - and its bloody cheap - those who want a space better email me fast! (sleeps 6 I believe).
Well even though its 11 months away the chaps in charge of the course construction have been working hard. Check out the blog over on the Dirt website by clicking here.
The website ( should be working pretty soon. Check it out!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Transition bikes back in the UK!

Fantastic news (and about bloody time) - the brill Transition bikes are available again in the UK.
Hardcore bikes from the 'shore, Transition have a clean design and from what I can gather the build quality and just as importantly ride quality is excellent!
From their website:
Transition Bikes is back in the UK!
Date 10/16/06
After a long absence from the UK, we're very stoked to announce that Projectleeds will be the new exclusive Transition Bikes UK distributor. If you're in the UK and are interested in Transition Bikes product then get in touch with Projectleeds. You can find their info on our distributor page.
Click here to go to the Projectleeds website.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Something for the time of year?

So this time of year calls for something warmer as the nights close in - and what better than a Fearingout hoody?
Don't get too excited - its still just a design at the moment - I'm looking at having them printed in November for a Christmas delivery... so let me know what you think of the design and the colour options - open to suggestions?
Close up of the design here!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Pushing the senses

Hard day editing today and Episode 6 is coming on nicely - so far we've got:-
Glentress fun park
Glentress fun park 2
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The beginning of the end
Sometime off the bike for Phil who stuck to his own pace but seemed to be free of the back problems at last. Ben rocketed ahead as usual, no doubt his road biking has paid off in the fitness stakes!
So the ride - well the usual Charity Lane blast, if it ain't broke, don't fit it. Found things quite easy going if a little slippy, and took Charity Lane carefully as 1) it was going dark 2) worried about the wrist 3) couldn't see for shit due to spray and glasses! Bike felt predictable though so I was happy to take it at a reduced pace. Then down Chris's trail and the dampness combined with slippery mud and reducing light led to two spills - one for Mr Woolrich and one for myself. Nothing serious, no injuries, we made the way back down to the Leather Smithy where Phil and I packed up the cars and talked about the possibility of night rides with some light investment and Ben headed for home before it went totally dark.
Same time same place next week. Lets make the last one a big finale.
Its not the end of the 2006 season though.
We've 3 feature rides planned before year end, and no doubt some impromptu Macclesfield Forest weekend rides. There are also plans afoot to make it over to the indoor dirt/4X park in Sheffield.
As ever, watch this space!
English National Championships - 22nd October
NB No licence required to compete; just to pick up ranking points! ie open to all!
First contested in 2005 the English Downhill Championships was cancelled last year so the only previous winner of the "Elan Cup" for English Downhill Champion is Dan Stanbridge.
More information here...
2007 Dragon dates
Tentative 2007 dates: Format may change to Sat. practice with a late afternoon seeding run how about running a scheduled chainless race on Saturday afternoon instead of a seeding run) and two timed runs on Sunday. You'd still be able to do either day or both, whatever (you are welcome to email me with comments on the change, what do you think?)
Rd1 - 7/8 April
Rd2 - 5/6 May
Rd3 - 2/3 June
Rd4 - 23/24 June
BC National DH Champs - 13/14/15 July (Two day format or Three day? What do you think?)
Rd5 - 25/26 August
Rd6 - 29/30 September
Rd7 - 27/28 October
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Bridgnorth street downhill results
Looks like fun was had on the streets of the Shropshire town last weekend as the Twentyfourseven downhill race took to the streets.
Full write up by Si Paton on the British Cycling website.
With just a 30 second length course Gee walked away with first, over Matt Symonds and Scott Beaumont.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
New Arrivals

She's VERY different from the 222. its ridiculously plush, and sits in the travel a lot more. combined with the extra 7 pounds or so, its definiately hard work moving her about. just been up to the local wood s to throw her around and she how she reacts and i am very pleased. once the boxxers free up i can tell it will be very planted. Where the 222 would have a tendency of blowing out corners at speed, this thing just keeps gripping.
I am definately gonna have to adjust my riding style!
i'm off for a proper ride somewhere tomorrow, i will try and get some pics
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday 13th - unlucky for some?
"Nope, this year they have split it all up. We are just running the DH Natioanl champs
Looks like my fears have been realised - we'll have to see how it pans out, I hope some of the atmosphere isn't lost.
Anyone up for a ride on Saturday?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
2007 National Champs News
Rather than the big 'festival' feel of having all mountainbike disciplines together it sounds as it each category will have its own event.
This in my opinion could be a big mistake for the success of next years event.
Find out more on the BRITISH CYCLING site and the DRAGON DOWNHILL site.
My view:
Having all 4 disciplines together (XC, DH, 4X and trials) brings a wide spread of people together in one place for a long weekend. Although tricky for organisers to keep on top of the festival atmosphere (especially in the evenings) was great fun. If XC wants its own venue then every effort should be made to keep DH and 4X together if at all possible.
We'll see what happens I guess!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New Begginings
The current state of play with the arm is that are taking out the plate in a years time, then i should be all good again. they feel there is an added risk with riding, but i am taking that intom consideration and will be taking it easy for the time being.
i will chuck up some photos tomorrow, hopefully of my new steeds first ride
Park Tools sponsor 2007 NPS DH

The National Down Hill Points Series is proud to announce the worlds number one bike tool company PARK TOOL will be kitting out the two fully trained NPS mechanics at the "Park Tool Service Station" at the Nationals in 2007.
In an exclusive deal signed at Excel in London with Matt Rushton from Madison, racers competing in the National Series will have on hand the Park PK57 Professional Tool Kit. The NPS mechanics will free of charge, ensure to their best endeavours your bike is track and race worthy by using the quality Park Tools provided. Just keep them in cups of tea and slices of cake!
To compliment this excellent tooling service, the NPS mechanics will also stock the full range of Shimano mechs shifters, chains, brake and gear cables to fit to your ride.
Si Paton from said, "Many thanks to Matt Rushton at Madison for stepping upto the plate, the Park Tool is every mechanics dream and will be well utilised at the brand new National Series."
This is the Park PK57 Professional Tool Kit that you will see at the Park Tool Service Station along with some sexy Park Tool aprons, bar stool and a couple of pint glasses!
For further information on Park Tool click here
Park Tools are distributed exclusively in the UK by Madison Cycles, click hereTuesday, October 10, 2006
Random dribble
Last night was proper fun. Street chortles rock. Chat, urban scenery, what can you ride off? Even going up to the bridge I was eyeing everything up. And I dont just mean the local talent (only one fine lady noted all night right enough!). Anyway, chotles at the bridge were good. My new plate (respect is due to Pete from work for sorting that out), exclusive FO design :) Just needed some persuasion to sit closer to the chain so the chain doesn't wedge between the plate and last remaining front cog. This was noticed when I landed my only bad landing of the night! Fixed now, all good. The park was fun too, just need to practice the technical stuff, but the church yard is all good for that. The landings were dialled all night, bar one!
The street race down in Bridnorth looks awesome. Pity it wasn't open entry! Pity I'm off to Thailand on Monday otherwise I'd have gone to watch. No, it isn't a pity I'm off to Thailand, but you get my drift!
Ste, depending on job prospects, I may be joining you in FO up north! Find out this week, so I may be taking you up on your offer sooner rather than later!
Party at mine on Friday for anyone hasn't already heard. If you haven't been invited, there may or may not be a reason for that. Think about it!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Street nibbles
Just me and the boy Warnock this evening for a jaunt around Macclesfield. Good laugh and despite my wrist I managed a bit of jumping steps.
Started in the park - which reminded us just how far the BMX track is from Glentress!! Met a lad on a Hans Rey GT Ruckus frame - nice - shame he couldn't join us for the ride but he was only visiting Macc and was against the clock.
On to the steps on the Middlewood Way bridge, where Scott managed to wedge his chain between the middle ring and his new inner plate! After some 'gentle' persuasion and some swearing all was well. Then back to town centre and hit up the Church steps where Scott practiced curb hopping and I practiced stair gaps. Good fun in the autumn sun but chilly non the less...
Next ride Thursday night.
Party at Scott's on Friday :)
From 4X to DH
So to whet my appertite for the steep stuff I went down to Innerleithen at the weekend with the Edinburgh Uni Cycling Club. Not having my DH bike with me I went for a bit of a hardtail revival myself. I had so much fun trying to stick with the full sus guys on my sidekick. I rode everything that everyone else was riding but I would have appreciated something other than street tyres for when it got a little muddy.
I'm going to try and get some pictures sorted of the riding in and around Edinburgh. I'll put a post on here whenever I do. Also if anyone is ever riding near by there's an open invitation to some street riding, and a night on my flat floor!
South Wales Jaunt
Sunday morning we headed over to Cwmbran near Newport. This time we had a formidable fleet comprising Andy's beast of an Audi, 2 Fiesta Zetec-S's and a Puma. Needless to say the revs were kept nice and high for much of the blast across from Bristol and Andy even managed to get the back wheels out on a couple of the roundabouts - respect! Once we reached the carpark at Cwmbran, it was time to get on with the climb ahead. This was easier said than done and I really struggled with the steep, technical track, sweating bucket loads and having to push! All the climbing was well worth it though and the final downhill was amazing. The downhill course looked very good and we spent some time watching some guys on massive Iron-Horse caliber bikes riding down at speed. Very well organised operation too, with an uplift trailer and cafe in the car park. Scott this is one for you to check out!
Friday, October 06, 2006
24seven Downtown Street Race...
Where and when?
BRIDGENORTH - 15th October - racing from 2.30pm.
Looks like the big brits will be there to represent and places still available as we speak. Check out the full press release HERE
You need to be registered on the NPS 4X site to register though - so get your skates on!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Hot off the press...
Saturday morning we stoked up on cooked breakfast to the sound of lacklustre panpipes, but our minds were firmly on the days riding. Taking James' injury into account we decided to spend the day at the Freeride Park at Glentress... Although I initially wasn't that keen, I spent the day pushing myself to ride the tabletops and eventually got some air with both wheels... Just need some more speed now! As for Mr Warnock, there was no stopping this man! Big air on the tabletops, big drop offs and even wall rides by the end of the day. James was manning the cameras, but obviously would have preferred to be riding. Cuisine for the evening was of the Indian variety, topped off with more Tennants in the County!
Sunday was very wet, but showing our commitment to the biking, we set off and did the Glentress Red Route. What a ride, it's infinitely better on the Coiler than I could ever hope for on the Rockhopper. Confidence is building and the investment is paying off! I think to be fair we were all loving this old favourite, despite the rubbish weather. James' wrist was giving him some hassle, but fair play to him for making it round. At the end of the day Scott decided to do some more freeriding, although the wet wall ride boards didn't agree with his tyres and a grazed arm resulted. Still, he picked himself up and continued to ride tabletops and the funbox for the camera! Hauling our muddy bikes into the cars, we drove down to Dumfries and checked in to our Pub B&B in the middle of nowhere. Great value food and the chat was legendary.
Monday morning the weather turned good again and we headed across to Maybe forest. We decided to ride the red route, but I think we all agreed that it didn't really deliver against the Glentress Benchmark. Parts of it were really good, but this was mainly due to the flowing nature of the trail, with its berms and cambers to lean into. Some more technical and jumpy stuff would have been good. We did take a look at the Kona Black Double Diamond trail, which was pretty hard core in parts and Scott had a crack at some of the features, purveying his confidence built from the freeride park. Back on the red route, Scott managed to bend a crank and retire early to the carpark. Myself and James however carried on and somehow found the energy to tackle the last few sections. Knackered but smiling, we loaded the cars up and headed back to England. What a weekend!
Hardtail revival?
Scott will be hampered as his jump bike now sports just the middle ring at the front!
I've still got mine on the Saints, but due to a missing bolt in the front deraileur it won't down shift properly!!
Ho hum - should be fun...