Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to the land of sunshine

James, Ross and Jon are up this weekend, caught up with them on Fri at GT FR park, i think James now knows I haven't photoshopped myself into photos to make me look good! Good to meet the guys, albeit quickly, tho i was hungover too. The park was windy, but we sessioned and even discovered the red/blue starter area can be fun. Ross and James even had an ad-hoc race. Nice idea, build more GT, build more!

I headed over to the drops and nearly ran out of height on the wall ride, Jon got excited and when trying 2nd time out had a bit of a high speed spill coming into the walls. Good lad bounced off the floor to discover ANOTHER holey T shirt lol. Back to Winkston (top place!) and then Neidpath for tea. Felt weird being on a roadtrip without being on a roadtrip if ye get me!

Anyways, the lads have had a good weekend of weather from what I've seen, shame I've been at work Sat and Sun, but hey. I'm sure their rave reviews of red, black, inners and more will be on here soon.

From the GT local :P

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