Well, i was at Glentress and doing runs before 9am this morning. Excited is the word!
The new forks, brakes, stem and headset all make the Cove feel more capable and planted. Played around with rebound but didnt touch the air preload as it feels bang on out of the box. I run my stinky's forks pretty hard, but these are a tad softer but they are still supa stiff. Anyways, the bike performed all day, and off the big drops i felt a lot more confident with the new kit on. Sometimes it felt like the psylos may have imploded at any time doing the drops! Got the wall rides going hiiiiiiigh, got preps from the kids for the "cool bike man", so it was all going well. Until i bailed going off the top doubles. Part wind, part me, i was over the bars like an arse, but hey. Got back on it and continued all day, loving the wall ride in particular. Some of the locals were throwing down some nice style, as was I, but i'll be pushing it for new tricks again soon. Bar spins and no footers MUST be mastered!
Ended the day with a short red route through spooky woods. Pinnnnnnnnned it down there, bullied some gimps who quickly moved aside with "RIDER" coming from behind. Also saw Helen Gaskell training on a Giant XC machine. Good to see the DH pros getting their fitness in on these shores, not just jetting off to the sun! Just goes to show, if its good enough for the world cup pros, its good enough for me. I swear she was eyeing me up too...lol!
Anyway, billy no mates, so no riding shots, but just to prove i was there...