Friday, November 09, 2007

What's winter all about to you?

This time of the year is always difficult isn't it! The nights draw in early and the wet and cold weather make you less inclined to get out on the bike.
Some people use this time of year for other activities, some use it for training but I've another suggestion.

It seems every wet spring we say 'yeah lets just get out on the bike and not let the bad weather put us off...' Why not say that now too?

Infact cold dry crisp mornings with blue skies and gentle winter sun are my favourite riding weather. To this end I intend to get out and about on the bike as much as possible, and will be out this weekend in the Peaks with Jon exploring some new trails...

It's also perfect weather for getting the hardtail skills dusted off... can you really be arsed cleaning your complicated full suss after every winter muddy ride? Less to do with the hardtail - just a quick hose down.

2008 will be another good year for the team. Mono is branching out into video and will be working on his project along with greater support of Wideopen. Ste will be continuing in the SDA DH but also tinkering with the XC bike! Matt will be on board to some capacity and Milki will still document the south west for us. Goodridge are on board for the year which is nice, and I'm working on how to integrate the team with Wideopen in some respect. News soon!

Closing news is that with under a year under his back to biking belt, Jon is in the market for a new bike! Yes a full suss... Watch this space!

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