Thursday, July 10, 2008

July - summer right?


Chris and I headed out for a ride this evening - and the wet weather didn't hold off with the ride up to Charity Lane being spat on kept things 'fresh'. By the top it looked pretty threatening so we pushed on quickly... Charity Lane was quite grippy tonight but very wet - quite hard to find a line through the middle section. We continued on to do a full loop whilst the heavens opened! Ooogling the recently cleared part of the forest from the bridleway it would make a great place for a bike trail - what are the chances!?!! Slim to none! Don't you love Macclesfield Forest... anyway then down the bridleway descent Chris and I got into a bit of a 'race' situation, but the spray made it difficult to see - mind full pelt in top gear it was awesome fun - just a bit too easy on the full bouncer.

Project hardtail starts next week. Keep an eye out for that over the next 6 weeks or so...

Also started making enquiries about a September weekender so keep your eyes peeled.

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