The passion we have for riding is not only infectious to those around us, it's actually an addiction for us as riders. The dopamine and adrenaline releases we get from riding bikes fast down hills is a feeling that is hard for others to comprehend and one that we would fight to sustain...

Riding the same trails, on the same bike, with the same faces week in week out, what keeps it fresh? Why do we come back for more? What drives us to ride familiarity? I've spoken in the past on this blog about the natural evolution of your local trails, and the physiological benefits of regular riding with your friends too - but I've noticed this year I'm being driven by other forces as well and in search of something quite specific... the perfect ride...

This week nearly nailed it - dry trails, great fitness, re-finding personal skill and confidence limits, amazing views, beautiful sunsets, wonderful wildlife - the whole package. I found myself slipping into the habit of pushing a little harder on the climbs. Not stopping for a breath like last year... Relaxing more on the descent, finding the bike's sweet spot and holding that. Establishing more confidence with the tyres and cornering... Reading the trail ahead... and hitting that line just a little better than last week...

And that's it, the perfect ride, the aspiration, is never achievable and the search for it brings us back week after week. Enjoy it, the passion and drive to swing your leg over your bike is keeping you both physically and psychologically fit. Enjoy every minute.