Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dampened trail but not spirits...

Just Leo and I tonight... not sure what happened to Tony (think he was feeling a little ill) and Jon was stuck on his way back from York, but still it was good to get out despite the weather and Leo and I had good chat.

Was the first time Leo was out on the bike since Edale and although he's no lard arse I think he'd be the first to admit he was struggling for bike fitness. Riding my hardtail made it look easy for me though so I'll keep my mouth shut.

Charity Lane was great fun. I took the bull by the horns this week and was conciously thinking body shape... using the forks rather than riding the back of the bike and what a difference. Much more in control I had a lot of fun...

Less so for Leo who had a big spill on the steep section where he just lost it in a chain reaction kind of way... After dusting himself off it was his pride hurt more than anything else but good job he was padded up! Pushing on despite the weather we headed down the singletrack that was actually quite dry.

See you all in a fortnight as I'm on a course next week.
Leo is riding Edale this weekend if anyone is interested - hit him up via Facebook!

Macclesfield Forest 16/4/09

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