Wednesday, January 31, 2007

News from north of the border

Copied from the Descent-World forum - "You may or may not know that Inners has had some unfortunate problems with its uplift system as of recently, we can pretty much confirm this is now sorted, subject to final FC approval, provisionally OK, the other good thing that will come out of this all new system is NO 2 MILE BIKE RIDE TO THE PICK UP POINT!!!!

So if any of you know Derry Ford and are from the borders area or ride at Innerleithen you need to give him a BIG BIG pat on the back for sorting out the uplift problem

The other thing that came out of the meetings at Inners on Friday was dates for a Winter race series at Inners so keep em peeled for those it will probably be limited numbers. "

So hopefully things are going to start picking up again soon. I for one cant wait to do a proper uplift day. I was there at the weekend again and the place is as popular as ever, with lots of folk braving the not so brilliant weather to push up the track or do the XC loop. It was a good days riding but I've found the faster I ride the more trees I hit. In other words I need to invest in a full face helmet!

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