Friday, February 02, 2007

Earthed 4 - a month on...

Watched Earthed 4 again last night, from start to finish - followed by the Downhill Racer Raceguide DVD.

James C and Scott also watched them (both for the first time).

Now there are some ace sections and some awesome riding on Earthed 4 but my initial thoughts from December are still true... TOO SAMEY, AND RUBBISH EDITING.
I think Alex really dropped the ball on this one (perhaps he had another project to get done at the same time).

So enough of that and pop in the Downhill Racer Raceguide (still available by the way - and still a bargain at £10)... If you skip straight to the second half (ignoring the documentary style of the SDA rounds) you're greeted with a very arty and well edited film with some good insight into the riders behind the series and some great footage. It really shows Earthed 4 up, and although may not be as consistent, is probably my favourite DVD of 2006 (god NewWorldDisorder or whatever it was called was absolute sh*te though so the standards were low).

I'd still buy Earthed 4 - but I hope that perhaps a name change and a re-think on the values that should be behind a Dirt magazine video will mean the follow up lives up to expectations rather than leaving viewers a little dissappointed.
Props to Mark at Downhill Racer though. Top notch stuff.

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