Thursday, February 01, 2007


Well, a day later and I'm bit more philosophical. Sheffield told me that BMX geometry doesn't suit me, but lads who ride MTB on it are well skilled, well practiced and respect is due 9also to the BMX-ers). However, as a wannabe beginner 4X rider, I wont be racing it this year, but I would like to learn still. However, without a venue close enough (Sheffiled is miles away and isn't 4X) it's not likely to happen. So, when we next head north, a detour via Hamsterley would help, and when we got to Fort Bill later this year for the worlds, I'll be trying my hand there, but for now the Cove will be my throw it at anything bike!

Admittedly, the fact my cassette and chain are 4 years old may have resulted in the chain slip I was getting whilst looking decidely poor at Sheffield (it got very frustrating!), it was a good insight trying. Well impressed with the locals' skills, but as I say, not for me (yet).

However, jumping my Cove rig made me dream of Freeride parks and Glentress. I can't wait to take her there! Comedy moment of the night was my left crank arm falling off as I was beans-ing it round the berm and then stearing my bike whilst my chest was attached to my handle bars. My leg and foot now hurt, but hey-ho. I might try Delamere again soon, but as I say, 2007 is racing DH only I reckon (still tbc!).

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