Monday, February 12, 2007

Wirral 11 Feb

I thought I'd make an effort and write something in the blog . . . . . . seeing as the Wirral was such a good ride . . . .

The trails were top, the weather was good and the banter was plentiful. We found plenty of 'interesting bits' to session and we managed a bit of 'streety stuff'. Twas a bit damp to start having a go at walls etc but bring on the Summer.

Not so sure about a full susser now. This is the stuff I grew up doing and, if I make the effort to hunt locations out, can get up to more or less anywhere . . . . . but wait and see . . . . . . Glentress beckons . . . . .

I think I should adopt Warnock's (almost sexual) motto this year - harder, faster, longer!

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