Sunday, July 08, 2007

Lots of updates

I'm injured a bit...
Sprained ankle from walking up at Buckstones yesterday.
Scarred back from an over the bars moment yesterday at Buckstones.
Bruised hip and calf from last weeks MotoX blind double impact at Buckstones. Apart from that I'm still riding!

Stinky front hose was leaking, ordered new hose from CRC, the fittings didnt arrive, when they were sent (after complaint) the piston had seized, when trying to "free" it up, the pin snapped. New caliper is £50, whole new brake is £75 (CRC prices), so I got a whole new set from ebay for £100. Bargain i say!
LX Rear mech is also so bent from Foel crash a while back, and it has been doing my tits in, so I got a new one from ebay tonight for £20 (£25 from CRC).

Been up at Buckstones (of fame) yesterday and last sunday (full write up to follow with pics). Awesome trails, and despite the rain, had some good lines nailed and good chat with the boys up there.
Crack of dawn ride in Macc forest this morning. 0730 start, but after the climb (bearing in mind I couldnt walk most of last week!) which I was particularly slow on, then Charity lane was mint as usual. Wet as feck, but middle to end was so, so fast. Loving the Cove. The rooty tooty section was mint too, love that bit.

Riding shot from Buckstones on Saturday...

Other news

I'm moving back to Scotland for a new job. Don't worry, I'll still be doing FO and Wideopen, just from afar. My ramblings will continue, and "FO scotland issue" here I come...
Besides Glentress/Innerleithen will be on my doorstep (relatively), get in!

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