Thursday, June 04, 2009

New bike syndrome hits Jon...

Yes you read it here first - Jon is seriously considering getting another bike/frame to replace his Sub-Zero. He wants more of an 'all rounder' - whatever that means. Apparently he feels the Sub-Zero is too much of a comprimise for longer rides and is too short...
I see a Cotic Bfe on the cards!!

Anyway just Jon and I tonight (although we know Chris tried to catch us - but I was on a time limit and couldn't wait - sorry matey!) and talk turned to new bikes (as mentioned). Nice weather, clouded over a little from the weekend which made the climbing bearable. Charity Lane was tinder dry and very quick. Some nice hard smooth sections appear in this weather and the only place Jon had an advantage on the full bouncer was through the rough chute where he could plough through and I picked a safer smoother line. Great fun!

Stopped on the singletrack to take some photos - I had the Panasonic with external flash - but unfortunately only the 16MB memory card - and the flash batteries died! Next time! Anyway we found a second track - though at present it leads no where - but, could it? Perhaps - a winter project.

Anyone fancy a weekend ride?

Macclesfield Forest 4/6/09

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