Monday, June 08, 2009

September visit...

Word from Warnock:

"Hope to make it down for a Friday in Macc, Saturday ride, Sat night in Manc... not until September though, as I'm hitting 6+2 (i.e. 2 days off instead of 4) for 8 weeks of summer soon. Plan to absolutely reinstate myself around Macc Forest on the Commy!"

Good news - it'll be great to get out with him on 'home territory'.

Update from Jon:
"Hardtail choices narrowed down - test rides planned!
Cotic BFe
Cotic Soul
Ragley BluePig

plus new brakes (possibly SLX on offer at CRC)."

The Cotic BFe should be a new longterm test for Wideopen this summer, and the Ragley is also on the cards. All definitely worth a look if you're struggling for inspiration one lunchtime.

A website also worth checking out is the 'Great Rock Blog' from fellow Peak Districters over towards Hebden Bridge (and the Singletrack crew!)

Also news just in... Mr Larking (formerly of this parish when we ran the FO team) is planning a summer visit! :)

Hopefully that little lot will pass some time before Thursday's ride... see you all out on the trails?

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