Friday, October 26, 2007

Last week night ride of 2007

Yeah Wednesday was the last weeknight ride of 2007 (unless we all stump up cash for night lights) and Jon, Chris and myself were stifled by indecision so ended up riding the usual route again! (we will come up with some variation for 2008!)

Jon was having a few gear issues at the start of the ride but they ironed themselves out... I was being arse raped by the saddle again on my hardtail on the climbs (it'll be on my chrismas list for a more all mountain saddle!), Chris was still feeling a lack of fitness. It was cold but dry and had been for a few days. Charity Lane was grippy and fast - Jon and I set off together from the top and props to Jon he stayed with me, even catching me on the gulley. A slow 4x4 interupted our descent so we had a breather half way and the bottom half equally ruled - again in close convoy - Jon could see my back end twitching but speed and commitment I held it, a great feeling.

The singletrack was dry but leaf covered again - and unfortunately had a dog walker on the fast open bit meaning we had to slow down. Good laugh and the hardtail was predictable in the dryer conditions. Chris really enjoyed it too... but we'll stay clear now until 2008 as it's not worth riding at weekends.

This weekend is another Wales trip so expect some photos up on Monday/Tuesday next week.

The Goodridge hoses for the 2008 riders will be with me in the next month too - and the team DVD will be ready for Christmas so pre-order now!

Until next time - keep it simple.

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