Monday, August 21, 2006

Gwydyr wetness

Yesterday saw a small troop of 5 escape to the rain forest of Gwydyr! Fucking soaked, but hey, I loved every minute! First outing in the stinky on our "home" route and it rocked. I was slower than a snail climbing, but hey, the stinky and i performed beautifully :) The bike flowed so well on descents and it really "stuck" in the wet, great grip all day.

The sections were different to memory (which is getting a bit useless with old age!), however there were a few favourites in there like the dragon's tail (gnarly as ever!) and the final 2 descents to the car park. A few nice jumps have been added and it is weathering well, but could do with that little bit extra (to be a bit more like GT really!). Still, the sore arms, legs and hands were familiar at the end!

No crashes or bike incidents for me, though there were 3 crashes (1 of note), a puncture and a snapped chain and a bent rear mech. Proper wet through, but as we kept the banter and (slow) moving pace, we were warm enough!

And then in the car waiting at the end of the ride.......warm dry clothes.....braw!

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