Saturday, August 26, 2006

Who would work for a living?

I love being on holiday. I've been out on a bike pretty much every day this week. Started the week of with a little BMX down at my local skate park. I've not been down there for a while so was slightly shocked to see half of it has been sprayed flourescent pink! Its brings some colour to the concrete curves so I'd recomend buying a can and painting your local park ;)

Spent most of Wednesday at Ae just sessioning the final decent on the XC route. It's a mix of big tables, berms, drops, norht shore and some nasty doubles. I'd recomend going to Ae just to ride that section if you dont feel like riding the whole route as its a great place to learn to jump. A friend of mine who hadnt jumped much was clearing the biggest tabletop at the end of the day.

Thursday was spent down at the now name "secret squirrel" jumps with the jackrabbitt guys ( We spent some time digging and the rest riding the dirt jumps and the drop that I built a few weeks ago. I was a great day just chilling and riding with some good trails with good riders.
There's a few photos in my photobucket album so have a look if you fancy. CLICK HERE
Anyway thats all for now........

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