Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Results news from Tom

Had some news from Tom - sounds like he's had a bit of bad luck with the bike but good results! Flying the Fearingout flag abroad!!


I've managed to get on the computer at work cos theres no one about.

Its been pretty hectic for me this last month or so. I went to morzine for 2 weeks then went to the Maxxis cup where my bike got stolen. From then I have been borrowing waynes bike. I raced in spain at a spanish national last week where I got 2nd with a crash in both race runs.

At the midlands this weekend i got 4th, just 1.1 secs of the winner and I went off the track and got stuck behind a tree. Pretty disappointing really.

Next week I go to Austria for the world cup on another borrowed bike.

Speak again when possible...


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