Monday, August 21, 2006

Slightly better luck this time...

My second trip to Gwydyr had me hoping - praying - that it was going to be better than last time. A buckled wheel was bad enough, but it turned out I buckled my back in the process. Not nice.
It started well this time, if a little bit wet, but that lasted about 5 minutes. Chain snapped before even reaching the fire road, so off we trudged back to the car for some emergency repairs. That done we steamed up the hill (literally steaming by the end) and down the first few descents. Great fun - enjoyed the flowing corners and little jumps, and don't have Glentress to compare it to yet. My turn to film saw Scott bombing it past me with no-one else in sight. Then comes James down the track (on bike) with arm held high like a too-clever school child. The middle section up until the last two descents was a bit draining, and with nackered up gears meaning when climbing I had a choice of Granny ring or something more suitable for the flat it lasted longer than ideal. Still, the last two sections were great fun, even with blood oozing from scraping shins down a pedal, and the legs held out until we made it back to the car.

Oh, and I ripped my shorts too.

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