Monday, June 04, 2007

GT FR park

Made a flying visit home at the weekend and went to GT FR park on Sunday morning. No beer on Sat night meant I left the house before 8, and was at the top car park for before 9. Rode for 3 hours and it didnt get too busy til after 1030. The Met office deserve some props for claiming it would piss it down :D Respect to the guy I chatted to who had done the black route by 9am! My legs wouldnt even....anyway...

With no rain in sight and a nice dry and dusty under-tyre, I sessioned the top tables, the drop and wall rides, over and over. Met some good lads and had usual FR park chat. Respect to Robin on his Specialized P1 who was throwing all manner of shit off the drop and all. His headset sounds fucked tho! I was feeling great on the bike, and she performed as usual. After warming up, the tweaks were there as usual and then went into whips and trying to combo it all. Looked good (I hope). Best buzz was from doing the black route skinnies into the drop into the berm then drop, then double wall ride at light speed! Also nailed the wall ride SOOOOOOOO high, SOOOOO many times.

Was comedy seeing the XC crew going past mouths gaping wide open. Then the microcosm that is "park" riding was in full swing. Scallies/neds smoking weed and with the worst collection of DIY painted Saracens from 1980 something. Still, the DJ kids and the usual park crowd were smoking it up.

Loved every minute.

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