Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Mid-week Fix

Spent my day off today blasting around the trails at Mabie forest today. We couldn't have asked for better weather to ride in, warm sun and a nice cool breeze kept us going all day. The majority of the time was spent riding the unmarked sections of downhill singletrack that litter the forest. Great fun to ride if you know where to find them.
I had a rather exciting moment as I came flying into the top of a gully to find I had no back brake.... After picking myself up off the floor I discovered the braking surface on one of the pads had completely fallen apart. A quick pad change left me with just the back brake for the afternoon, which was equally exciting as I managed to get the disk so hot you could smell it on some of the descents.

A little trail news now. The old jump park at Mabie which had become a little neglected and overgrown these past few years is now gone. Replaced by what looks like a little Glentress style freeride run which some huge berms and a couple of doubles, table tops and step downs to mix things up a bit. Talking to the builders they seamed confident about it opening within the month, so I'll be back there soon to see how it all comes together.

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