In complete contrast to last weeks gourmet weather we had, well winter weather! Full on rain.
A good turnout (4 of us), with 3 on hardtails set the scene... and climbing was a lot easier for me on the Chameleon - spritely infact!This weeks comedy moment (contrasting to the punctures last week) goes to Jon again - this time snapping his chain on the climb up from the barn... special mention should be made though for pushing on to the top of Charity Lane and nailing it chainless on the descent - out of control? hell yes - faster then Ross!? - you bet! Ross has since been justifying this poor performance with a mixture of 'I had water/sh*t in my eyes' and 'I've only ridden it 3 times'... all good banter - progression comes at different paces, and Jon's chainless episode has probably given him a ladder up a few stages!

Down the now familar loop and the rooty singletrack was fun fun fun and sketchy as hell... endo-ing with the back end whipped out and your balls on the saddle head first towards a tree adds a new skill to the briefcase and we all made it down in one piece, albeit some taking a spill (Ross).
So ends another completely random weeks ride... what weather next week?
In other news: Chris is feeling a lot better following his car accident and subsequent eye surgery and is on the mend... expect to see him back out on the bike late July. Get well soon Chris!
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