Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wet Wednesday

Well, how wet was yesterday?! Having scraped the pennies together to get my feckin car back, i was mobile again yesterday, so got out to meet the guys just in time for a macc forest blast. We rode what has become the usual route, but it was a different ball game this week, as it tends to be every time! Wet as fuck, and clothing choice was a 'mare! I got soaked from the inside as I had a fleece on to keep the rain off, but we were all just as wet as each other!

Anyway, despite the weather, good chat on the climbs, legs felt ok considering distinct lack of exercise lately! Charity lane awaited, and I went first, unusual on the HT! Fucking nailed the bitch! Was buzzing at the bottom, as James and I discussed how the fuck we got down there so damn quick. Keeping the weight well balanced and letting the back end just do its thing, hold on tight and keep the lines between the mahoosive rocks and its all good :D Forgot to brake at the bottom and kind of wall/verge rode the bottom bermed corner with a little speed scrubbed off mid corner entry, hilarity! No damage incurred so finding the speed on the HT now (as opposed to bomb proof everything on the stinky, just point and shoot style!).

Absolute respect to Jon, who's chained snapped about half way up the climb. With no tools, he pushed up to the top and then rode Charity lane using gravity and little brakes, kwality stuff. He was fairly whizzing past at the bottom en route to the car park again!

Onwards to the rooty descent and my wet rooty practice at Foel came to bear fruit. Zipped off down the first descent, letting the bike drop from around me, I was buzzing. On the edge most of the way down, Had a few near moments, but was buzzing come the end gate. I sat there buzzing and waiting. And waiting. Thought the guys had had an off, and then James came down the hill, foot out and all, haha! Then Ross came down admitting he'd had a "minor off". Means he was pushing it :D

We then headed back to the cars, I nearly had an off having a freeride moment off some logs in the car park. Great ride, but all the way round I'm left wondering how the feck my moto diggers get so much grip on rocks/roots/wet sloppy mud and even grass. A great buy!

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