Thursday, June 01, 2006

More lessons learned....

After about a months worth of "how the fuck is my rear hayes losing pressure/fluid?", I last nigth found the answer, a suspicious "bulge" in my hose (presumably due to a crash or two) and the tell tale dribble of fluid on the frame means I now know why! More investment required...

Fortunately during the ride the brake found a "fluid spot" and the brake worked, so the ride of charity lane was as ace as ever. Climb up wasn't too bad, again I had to push the final bit but I SHALL get fitter for next week. Maybe...

Top weather last night, so we took some snaps, and my 2nd lesson of the night was to remind myself how useless I am with James's camera. Poor lad had to do everything 10 times to get one crap shot!

Distinct lack of Wednesday turn out seems to be the theme to date, so presumably June will bring us some more banter and riding out in the forest.


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