Friday, June 09, 2006

Stay low stay loose

Yup yup yup what a great ride last night.

I echo the big man's comments - it was reminiscent of last summers weekend rides where we took our time, had good chat, enjoyed the views and hammered the bikes hard.

Took the Chameleon out due to 1) bedding the forks in post refurb and 2) its a damn sight lighter then the Coiler Dee-lux on a hot summer's day. OH MY GOD how fun was Charity Lane on a hardtail... admittedly Scott was just a blur in the distance (isn't he always) but taking aggressive lines, carrying speed and poping over boulders and rocks has never been so much fun. I got to the bottom with pumped arms and a big smile after having about a million near misses but coming though a more confident and better rider :) (cheese over).

Seriously, to all those full-sus boys, if you've still got a hardtail lurking in your shed/garage take it out for a spin over the summer and have some old school fun. It'll never be as fast on the downs but it'll improve your bike handling skills further in one ride then a full-susser would do in a month.

Next week we'll mostly be riding Delamere once Big Man has his bike built. Photo diary of the build to be put up on Sunday fingers crossed :)

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