Thursday, June 15, 2006

Training? Are you serious...

It struck me after last nights shenanigans that perhaps with all the will in the world there is only so far you can go by self motivation and improving slowly by riding the same sections again and again.

Delamere 4X is a case in point. I had good runs, I had bad runs - and although I felt my lines improved by us all talking about line choice as we pushed up, I found it difficult to decide why sometimes I pulled a jump and landing clean, and othertimes I felt like I was going to either nose dive and wipe out or buckle my back wheel.

So maybe we need a little help?

I've been looking into it and Nigel Page does evening Training sessions in Delamere forest. To this end I have emailed him for more information. If there are 3 of us then its £26.67 each. Any more £30 each.

Anyone fancy it?

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