Monday, August 20, 2007

GT frolics

In summary:
Rode the FR park for an hour this lunchtime, opened up my wounds from last week doing a no hander, oops.
Got the camera out and got snapping, got some shots for the wideopen article. Some kids were throwing some sick whips and nice style all round.
Then Marcus arrived and we went and did the red route in brief, went the quick way up (so much quicker, even pushing!) and as my fitness is so poor, we did spooky and the next section, but came back to the car park via wicked black grade diamond chute onto the blue route. Nice quick loop of red, good to know, well done Marcus!
The weather was fine as usual...
....and i was getting snaps for the mag... sneak previews, you'll just have to downlaod issue 4 in September!!!
Great days riding as ever, GT is my home!

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