Unlucky for James M tonight - joining us for the first time this summer and a spate of puncture problems (not helped by him holing the only spare tube we had with a metal tyre lever - doh!) Hope you got home ok James!
Phil, Leo and myself pushed on and got round in an hour. Charity Lane was very dry and loose, and Phil was surprised how fast I was on a hardtail - he's on the edge of buying a Coiler (go on Phil!) so tried Leo's for size.
Then the rooty singletrack in the dry - lots of grip but less confidence since last time was so treacherous - hope its dry again next week - its ace attacking though there!
Big order placed for Scotland trip bits - new headset and tyres for the Coiler with the last of my birthday money.
See you next week chaps - and then the 19th in North Wales!
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