Saturday, August 04, 2007

No gimmicks, just basics

Went to GT FR park this morning, not too bad considering the 20 bottles of bud consumed last night!

Took the Cove, and having converted her back to single ring front and chain guide, she performed well. Was clearing the same tricks I have been doing on the Stinky, but it was a little more sketchy! That 7" of fun really soaks up the mistakes! Anyway, 2 other lads were out on Sanchez's, so we were looking like a mini Cove Clan! Had my tables, tweaks etc dialled all day, tho the Psylo's are sooooo shit for what is FR/DJ material, so shopping list for me is DJ1s, although Argyles are soooooo much cheaper, so we'll see. NO BAR ENDS FOR ME THOUGH, I HAVE REAL SHOPPING TO DO :P

I might single speed convert her too, not yet tho! Also dropped the Shore drop and did the wall rides on the Cove for the 1st time, all GOOD. No pics I'm afraid, just more memories of the best park in the UK and the usual Peebles sunshiiiiiiiiiiine!

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