Monday, July 31, 2006

Cove Complete

The build is complete (check out the James H 'design' and my actual build photo!) and the tangerine rims are now complete too, she looks awesome! I've even got a bigger rotor on the front than the design :D

Technically, the forks have the Stiffest spring available to man (well, the stiffest spring Rockshox make for it!) with heavier weight oil in them too, I've also added a DMR saddle (limited Edition!) and new DMR conrod stem, nice and short geometry. All thats left is a bashguard (though i've 'trimmed' the teeth off the outer ring anyway!) and a chain device....

First ride proper tonight on Macc street, good stuff.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Team Kona?

4 down now to the full bouncy bouncy bug - and funnily enough all Konas!
With a full compliment of Coilers, a Dawg-deelux and a Stinky who's next...

The sensible money has got to be on Mr Woolrich for another Coiler, with perhaps Chuckster a little way behind. The outside bets got to be Mumfordo.

But who knows? All good :)

I'm back from Scotland - looks like you boys have had fun. Out on the hardtails tomorrow around Macc street/dirt again. Rock on.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Thu night jolly

With James H on hols we were blessed with another evening of blissfull sunshine, so myself, James M and Leo headed up to the forest for some chortles. The climb wasn't too bad and we kept the evening chilled with a few long breaks :)

Charity Lane was pretty loose and Leo was excited from the start of the climb nevermind the start of charity lane! His new rig looked the part in "electric blue" as I'd call it, and he rode of down the lane 1st. I held back not wanting a face full of dust and was followed by ze protege Hamez! Good fun all the way, especially ripping past the walkers half way down, they know who's boss!

James continues to struggle with gearing and various issues, looks like the Halfords curse strikes again!

A few photos from the night...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Coiler Reinstatement

On Saturday I made a very important journey to High Peak Cycles in Glossop. A quick swipe of my plastic friend and I was the proud owner of a shiny new Kona Coiler. What a beast of a bike after the Rockhopper - absolutely couldn't wait to ride it! Fortunately I didn't have to wait long, and Sunday morning I was let loose on my mate Tim's old stomping ground in Headingley. The Tour de Leeds as we called it was quite reminiscent of the Wirral, with a combination of street, parkland and woodland riding, then heading out a bit more into the countryside where it was more hilly. Plenty of opportunity for reinstatement - the downhills were awesome. Put it this way... with the Rockhopper I'd have to pick my line, dodge the rocks and control the speed with the brakes, with the Coiler it was just point and shoot from the hip. Stopped for a pub lunch in Otley before continuing back into Leeds, but what a day. Top stuff - and now the beast wants more! The Fox Vanilla rear shock is a bit low on damping and needs setting up (as my mate Andy put it, I was riding on a faithful old sofa), but what a bike. Perfect weather, top company and fantastic riding!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Awesome pics, awesome weekend, pure and simple.

Monday, July 17, 2006

British National Championships Weekender

Me, Leo, James H (and wife!) headed over the border to Moelfre for the Nationals this weekend. Awesome weather and a top weekend had by all. The atmosphere was chilled, but the riding spot on when it counted. First off we saw the tail enders on the DH races, and the skills on show were pretty awesome. Seeing a DH-er go shoulder first out of a 20ft drop reminded me of how I must look sometimes!

Then Saturday evening saw team rider Ste enter the finals for junior in 4X. On practice Ste was looking smooth, and got his crash out of the way nice and early! Come race time, he came 2nd in the B final to come 6th in class which was a great result at the nationals. Some of the racing was vicious and the "cutting up" lines were being used to the max! Even saw some elbows, and overall a good eveing fuelled by beer. Good photos and filming for the DVD, we did choose the best film spot as we were joined by a "professional" camerman!

Good chat and beer into the early hours were followed by a misty start to Sunday, which soon burnt off, and we waited for the DH race proper. And we waited. And waited. And waited a bit more. The Stop/Start gate cable had been damaged by the XC race apparently, ridiculous state of affairs!

Anyway, alas the "juniors" began to fly down the hill and the times were dropping by the second. Some of the clearances of the slab jump and glory jump at the quarry were awesome. Interesting to see the different lines, the speed and a few riders carrying too much speed and nearly taking out the crowd! Respect to those still riding with punctures too! Onto the seniors and the times were similar, so big up to the top young guns! With the top guys (and gals) going through the last few riders were bombing down the hill. Peaty even made (for me unexpected) an entrance but didn't look that awesome, plus he had a mini crash at the river crossing. A new national champ in Marc Beaumont.

All in all, we left the camp and I spent most of the way home pondering.......will I ever enter a 4X or DH race (and what DH rig should I buy!!!)? Or do I just do this stuff for fun....? I don't really have the skill (yet untried!), but are my balls big enough?!!... To answer the question, perhaps the "Open" category really appeals....?

The debate continues...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Fun fun FUN at the Nationals

What a weekend - top top stuff...

A proper report to follow during the week but in brief AWESOME.

Ste came 6th overall in class in the 4X, and Tom ended up outside of the top 10 in the Downhill. Perhaps not the best of organisation with times slipping, but a good chilled out vibe. The night 4X finals were awesome and we got some amazing photos and great video for the DVD.

The pit area was a great success with everything in sight getting plastered with stickers including Scott's trainers! After the after party we did the manly thing and made fire, only to be out-done by the Giant team.

We'll be back - with flyers, t-shirts actually for sale, but more importantly the same good vibe. Scott's been bitten by the bug too...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Feeling Charitable!

Last night was awesome. Cries of "if only we were in Glentress, heading up spooky woods..." were although fair, also answered by "we're pretty damn lucky having this on our doorstep", and here's to that! Charity lane never disappoints, and was true to its dry summer fun last night.

Climb up was as heavy on the stinky as ever, but I coped :) then on the long gradient up to the top of the lane, it felt loose below tyre and we pondered how the DH would behave. 1st run (!) and I have never attacked the place so quickly. I'm going to get an Argos £4.99 watch to time it from now on! The full run was awesome, but I was a little disappointed with the bottom section, and once the guys caught me up, I then realised the impossible....I'd punctured my rear tube with a stunning single side snakebite. Still, got her patched up and off we climbed to the top, great idea!

Second time down and the pondering and analysis of lines ruined it all! I got off line at the top, couldn't get out of the loose stuff and lost speed, then at the bottom half I nailed it all, so much improved there and James got lost after tailing me! After that we had some chortles and I made an impromptu jump for photographic effect. Good effort from all, great weather, great ride, great stuff.

Chairty Lane...dynamic, a gem, never to be forgotten.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wish I lived nearer Delamere!

Seriously, this place is great! As James said in his 'report' we had a great mixture of DH nibbles, pre-DJ learning and the 4X section again. Felt like I learned quite a lot on Monday, think we all did! I got the 4X manualling over the low height jumps started (can't do it consistently yet), also nailed all the jumps on the 4X track and carried good speed (the right speed i sthe key!), in some cases too much speed!

Also learned a bit on the pre-DJ sections, learning shape and flow over the jumps. Maybe I'll be on the full jumps by summer's end! Was funny to see Hamez nailing all jumps for height, think he's taking my mantle as balls out speed and height fella! I'll go with the skill option from now on (next week I'll go for height to show I can still do it!).

Some good photos, tweaks the lot! As for that freeride jump....looks awesome, bring it on, lets get the camera out! Dodgy landing zone though...

Bike forks are dire, new springs or new forks? Big question! Dirt Jam pro's or stiff as fuck springs for the Psylo's?! New stem arrives today, so yeehar. Meanwhile, my ageing shimano rear hub feels a "bit" shit! All good fun.

Monday, July 10, 2006

If you come down to the woods tonight...


3 of us headed to Delamere for the 1st street ride of the year - so not really street then. Who cares, we had a ball.

Here are some of the hilights for those that missed it...
  1. Rooty loose fast downhill.
  2. Small DH doubles.
  3. Smaller dirt tables.
  4. Sunny evening.
  5. 4X.
  6. Braking bumps.
  7. Midges.
  8. Scouse goons crashing.

So to summarise, a lot of fun, a lot of progression, a lot of laughs.
Thursday more traditional ride in Macclesfield Forest, pre- Nationals.

Edale Reinstated!

Riding on the wave of excitement generated by my new bike purchase, I made my way over to Edale on Sunday morning for a blast round the usual loop with my mate Dave from Uni. Parking at the visitors centre, the air temperature was pleasant and the ground nice and dry, so things were looking promising. With the Camelback stuffed full of innertubes I was all set for perhaps my last ride on the Specialized. We made our way up to the foot of Jacob's ladder and paused for a photo before starting the mammoth climb. We were also greeted with a full on blustery head-wind as we set about the gruelling gradient. Still, we persevered and were rewarded with a nice long, bumpy fast downhill section. The speed at which we took it was teeth-chatter inducing, especially with the unusually high 35psi that I was running in my tyres. I really can't wait to get my Coiler!

Reaching Hayfield, we stopped for burger and chips at the Pack Horse and reminisced about riding Stannage Edge and other epic rides while we were at Sheffield. Fully stoked up with pub grub, we then made our way up to Rushup Edge, struggling with the climb but pushing ourselves to keep going. I almost persuaded Dave to try Scott's Hill (riding down off-piste from the summit as per a certain Mr Warnock!) but he was having none of it. Next was that brilliant downhill section, which we pretty much did in one big blast, although we did get a couple of photos along the way.

At the start of the next climb I was commenting that for once in recent riding I hadn't picked up a puncture... And then duly managed to snap my chain! I wasn't relishing the prospect of pushing all the way to Barber Booth, but as luck would have it we bumped into another two bikers who were looking similarly short of spares. They needed an inner tube, which of course we were able to provide, and I needed a chain, which they were happy to give me. Bargain!

With my reinvigorated bike, the last climb was no problem. The final descent, on the track with the bits of tarmac in the middle was a blast. Interestingly Dave managed to break a pedal whilst travelling at high speed, although it remained attached to his SPD! I don't know who wrote this scipt, but it was a great little ride, full of surprises and a good laugh generally. Photos can be found HERE.

Can't wait to get my COILER!!

Street style

Saturday saw a semi hungover, lazy late afternoon jaunt around town. At the tennies courts I pulled a jump off the steps and nailed the landing more securely than previously, I've been watching some vids to improve my technique! Then Hamez gets puncture number 1 of 286287469124 seen over the day (well, it seemed like that many!).

First real action was at the Footbridge steps where we woke up to the prospect of clearing some steps. First off, we rode them, then I saw the means to clear them! Carrying the right amount of speed and nailing the landing was the key, so I had to do it about 10 times to make sure! Maybe next time I'll try the bottom 2 sections, but the distance between sections makes it awkward. Preps to Hamez for continuing to try, but just failing to clear that last step. Still he has only just got his new steed!

We then headed to some dilapidated dirt jumps I'd found a while back, even got a compliment en route on my frame from a local "street kid", hilarious! After finding the DJ zone, and bone shattering ourselves down the steps, James got arty and took some pics. Hamez continued to go for everything, good work! I rested in anticipation for the steep section of steps down by the Bollin Valley "services". That was my 2nd re-instatement for the day :) Seriously close to falling off, but a good buzz!

Back to the skatepark and more jumps, big air and loving it. Still loving the Sanchez, though a shorter stem wouldn't do any harm!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I've finally done it... Bitten the proverbial bullet and invested in a fine piece of Kona Engineering. The 2005 Coiler in an irresistably shiny blue colour proved too tempting for me when I went to visit High Peak Cycles today. The "just looking" trip ended with a swipe of the credit card and a brand new bike to boot! The big dilemma I faced was then deciding what frame size to go for... Mr Hilton for one thought that an 18" would be better as it allows for more manoevrability on the downhill sections. The sales assistant in the shop however did a good job at convincing me to go for the 19" on account that it offers a more ergonomic ride for any trips of more than just a few miles. Suffice to say I'm very excited about my new purchase and shall be looking forward to riding it around Macclesfield Forrest and beyond during the coming months.

Friday, July 07, 2006

NPS National Champs

Last chance to enter the NPS National Championships at Moelfre next weekend...
Current entry list is here. Team riders Tom Deacon and Ste Larking are representing us for DH and 4X respectively.
Scott and myself are heading over to spectate, sell T-shirts and have a laugh. Email to make arrangements will be out on Monday.

See press release below:

Last Chance to enter,

Just a reminder,

The FAT FACE National 4-cross champs, held this year at Moelfre Hall, near Oswestry. For a full timetable of event see the organiser's website,

Race date: 14-15.07.06 Moelfre Hall, Llansilin nr Oswestry

You can enter on line now.

There are no entries on the day you must pre-enter to race.

See you all there

Thursday night jolly

With the weekly forest ride now moved to a Thursday, last night saw an improved turnout. Good chat up the hill and I wont pretend that I will ever enjoy climbing, though performed ok last night! At the top of charity, the pressure was on, after last week wit James breathing down my neck, I was all pumped up. Without rear view mirrors, I wasn't to know the poor lad punctured twice on the way to the bottom.....I just thought he was going slow! Anyway, I nailed the top section, but slowed a few times due to some bad lines, or big rocks jumping out at me! I think in the dry, charity lane is ripping up a little, but thats all part of the fun with the place, never stands still. The bike still flowed beneath me, she's such a dream!

Was funny to see the old and the new with Andy and Hamez's (to avoid which "james" confusion) bikes. Maybe Andy will put some time in on his steed now! Weekend sees some local forest ride Saturday afternoon (hangover expectant) and street ride Monday. Game on.

Bike maintenance update....cane creek headset (not kona spec!..., naughty high peak cycles!) sounds a bit (!) goosed, acceptable damage given the hammering she gets!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm baaaaack.
So the old topgun wasnt up to scratch this time around. Broken front brake, half the padding from the seat missing, and best of all a bearing set (i think) evaporated from the whole pedal-crank-gears thingy. So, off we trot to the coolest bike shop in town, and an hour later I have a fully working, disc breaked, suspensionised mountain bike. ish. The gears still need a little fine tuning, but apart from that was awesome.
Its great to be back out on the bike, trying a new run for me down from the top car park - and even avoided the usual crash.
Get keen for Saturday boys - its local, and you get to see me attempt to remove the rust from my riding skills.

Nokian - you don't deserve them!


Nokian All-mountain 1.75-2.3 Inner Tubes ARE SHITE!
Got a puncture today on Charity Lane - fair play I thought - the Nokian tube had lasted 2 rides. Replaced with another Nokian - 50m later - another puncture.

Now I know what all you doubters will say - that I'm a shite rider and I'm hammering the rear of the bike too hard etc etc. But you're wrong.

I'm not heavy, I don't plough through things on the Coiler, instead I try and float through the rough stuff - usually fairly successfully.
I was mighty pissed off, but then the reason behind this rant is that Leo has been running the same tubes recently and has had exactly the same experience.

I'm off now to buy some proper DH tubes - sod the weight.

The ride was fun otherwise by the way, but I'll leave it to those that enjoyed it more to detail, suffice to say the turnout was better - Andy, Scott, James and myself. Mumford enjoying the new bike a lot. Scott fast as always.

Next ride Saturday afternoon, followed by a street ride on Monday.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The deed is done!


And bigger and better than last year... gone is the Scott with top spec 'Top Gun' forks - and in its place?

A high spec bargain HALFORDS bike!!! What's going on I hear you ask?
well in our previous rants about said shop and a certain Apollo brand, we glossed over, neh, ignored the fact that the Carrerra brand is actually ok!

Anyway - its a 16" frame, mechanical discs, SRAM X7 and SX5 gearing and 100mm Suntour forks with damping. Not to heavy too. Seems decent enough, although in my opinion the bars are a tad low with very little rise... easier to replace though (especially as I have some RaceFace Evolve DH ones in the garage)

here it is in all its glory - spent an hour building it up tonight ready for the official return tomorrow.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I'm getting a F***ing new bike - woohoo!

I'm getting a new bike, I'm getting a new bike, I'm getting a new bike!! That's one phrase that needs to be repeated over and over again. I'm getting a new bike!!!!!!!! I have to keep saying it for it to fully sink in but it's definitely going to be the most exciting purchase I've made in a while. It beats the big TV, ipod video, digital camera and fitted wardrobes (ahem).

The bridge I now have to cross revolves around deciding which particular flavour of bike to invest in. A quick scan of Ebay reveals that there are in fact very few Specialized FSR Full Sussers on offer (the logical step up from the trusty rockhopper). The Kona Coiler looks tempting, with a mighty 6" of travel front and rear, Hayes hydraulic disc brakes and Blue Dragon 2.3 inch tyres to pick out just a few of the particulars. Plenty of unused 2005 models on Ebay at sub-£1000 prices, so I'm very tempted at the moment.

I will be having a chat with my bike consultant over the next day or two in order to identify other candidates and will of course report back on my latest thoughts. I'm getting a new bike!! (once more for effect)