Monday, July 10, 2006

Edale Reinstated!

Riding on the wave of excitement generated by my new bike purchase, I made my way over to Edale on Sunday morning for a blast round the usual loop with my mate Dave from Uni. Parking at the visitors centre, the air temperature was pleasant and the ground nice and dry, so things were looking promising. With the Camelback stuffed full of innertubes I was all set for perhaps my last ride on the Specialized. We made our way up to the foot of Jacob's ladder and paused for a photo before starting the mammoth climb. We were also greeted with a full on blustery head-wind as we set about the gruelling gradient. Still, we persevered and were rewarded with a nice long, bumpy fast downhill section. The speed at which we took it was teeth-chatter inducing, especially with the unusually high 35psi that I was running in my tyres. I really can't wait to get my Coiler!

Reaching Hayfield, we stopped for burger and chips at the Pack Horse and reminisced about riding Stannage Edge and other epic rides while we were at Sheffield. Fully stoked up with pub grub, we then made our way up to Rushup Edge, struggling with the climb but pushing ourselves to keep going. I almost persuaded Dave to try Scott's Hill (riding down off-piste from the summit as per a certain Mr Warnock!) but he was having none of it. Next was that brilliant downhill section, which we pretty much did in one big blast, although we did get a couple of photos along the way.

At the start of the next climb I was commenting that for once in recent riding I hadn't picked up a puncture... And then duly managed to snap my chain! I wasn't relishing the prospect of pushing all the way to Barber Booth, but as luck would have it we bumped into another two bikers who were looking similarly short of spares. They needed an inner tube, which of course we were able to provide, and I needed a chain, which they were happy to give me. Bargain!

With my reinvigorated bike, the last climb was no problem. The final descent, on the track with the bits of tarmac in the middle was a blast. Interestingly Dave managed to break a pedal whilst travelling at high speed, although it remained attached to his SPD! I don't know who wrote this scipt, but it was a great little ride, full of surprises and a good laugh generally. Photos can be found HERE.

Can't wait to get my COILER!!

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