Friday, July 14, 2006

Feeling Charitable!

Last night was awesome. Cries of "if only we were in Glentress, heading up spooky woods..." were although fair, also answered by "we're pretty damn lucky having this on our doorstep", and here's to that! Charity lane never disappoints, and was true to its dry summer fun last night.

Climb up was as heavy on the stinky as ever, but I coped :) then on the long gradient up to the top of the lane, it felt loose below tyre and we pondered how the DH would behave. 1st run (!) and I have never attacked the place so quickly. I'm going to get an Argos £4.99 watch to time it from now on! The full run was awesome, but I was a little disappointed with the bottom section, and once the guys caught me up, I then realised the impossible....I'd punctured my rear tube with a stunning single side snakebite. Still, got her patched up and off we climbed to the top, great idea!

Second time down and the pondering and analysis of lines ruined it all! I got off line at the top, couldn't get out of the loose stuff and lost speed, then at the bottom half I nailed it all, so much improved there and James got lost after tailing me! After that we had some chortles and I made an impromptu jump for photographic effect. Good effort from all, great weather, great ride, great stuff.

Chairty Lane...dynamic, a gem, never to be forgotten.

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