Monday, July 10, 2006

Street style

Saturday saw a semi hungover, lazy late afternoon jaunt around town. At the tennies courts I pulled a jump off the steps and nailed the landing more securely than previously, I've been watching some vids to improve my technique! Then Hamez gets puncture number 1 of 286287469124 seen over the day (well, it seemed like that many!).

First real action was at the Footbridge steps where we woke up to the prospect of clearing some steps. First off, we rode them, then I saw the means to clear them! Carrying the right amount of speed and nailing the landing was the key, so I had to do it about 10 times to make sure! Maybe next time I'll try the bottom 2 sections, but the distance between sections makes it awkward. Preps to Hamez for continuing to try, but just failing to clear that last step. Still he has only just got his new steed!

We then headed to some dilapidated dirt jumps I'd found a while back, even got a compliment en route on my frame from a local "street kid", hilarious! After finding the DJ zone, and bone shattering ourselves down the steps, James got arty and took some pics. Hamez continued to go for everything, good work! I rested in anticipation for the steep section of steps down by the Bollin Valley "services". That was my 2nd re-instatement for the day :) Seriously close to falling off, but a good buzz!

Back to the skatepark and more jumps, big air and loving it. Still loving the Sanchez, though a shorter stem wouldn't do any harm!

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