Well, nightshift tonight, so on my long turnover, I went to GT today. Arrived to some windy conditions, so having brought the Cove this time, I got to the top and started sessioning. Took a few runs to feel the HT love, but soon i was loving chucking it round. It was rather windy, so I decided the abbreviated red route option was a good idea. Headed up to spooky woods, and pondered how rough this would be! The stinky eats it all up, but i was keen to feel the Cove on the top jumps to bottom jumps and all.
Set off and bang, loved it, tho the heli pad clearing means the top is still exposed, so the crosswinds on the first 3 jumps made it sketchy city. Still, banging on I loved the middle forest tables, truly mint. Got to the bottom having tabled, whipped and tweaked the jumps on the trail route, it seems park practice is seeing the benfits! Loved it so much, went back up for run 2! Loved it all again, but decided to head back via the next section and some blue route to the park, for more jump park action! Also found some balck grade action, so many options at GT :) There also seems to be an alternative line being built near the red route at Spooky, tight and techy as opposed to wide and easy perhaps? I'm sure it'll be as much fun!
Anyways, got back and sessioned the park again, and the HT IS THE SHIT! Just need to get shopping on forks and maybe brakes, but we'll see. Now for some snaps....
Look who I saw at the top car park (didn't actually meet Chris, maybe next time!)...

Top of the Spooky woods, before SECOND run, arty styleeee...

Mad skills. Not only can I table round corners, I have the timing of a genius. Here I had an idea to set the camera, judge the time delay...so I pinned jump 1, then tabled round the corner and hey presto with the camera focussed on me...what a gem of a shot! There was no one around to even take the pic for me, so this is GENUINE!

Loving life.